Why Aventura Insurance? Because Life Happens!

Who we are

Aventura Insurance is a boutique insurance agency,  providing supplemental, Accident, Life, Disability insurance products from some of the top carriers in the U.S. We service consumers and small business owners.                       

We provide creative and innovative digital technology allowing for quick no hassle enrollment process. Our mission is simply providing the right solution for the right price at the right time.

Our Mission

To protect our clients from serious accidents and illnesses 24 x 7 x 365. Whether you venture out into the country, in the city; from the desert to the sea make sure you have the advantage. 

Purchasing 24hr. accident or hospitalization coverage from Aventura Insurance, can provide you or your family a strong financial safety net in the event you experience a catastrophic accident and or illness forcing you to lose time out of work.                                           

Never venture out without it!

 Here are the facts:

In the U.S. most Americans don’t even have enough money saved to cover a $1000 deductible, much less their monthly bills. Most Americans are just one paycheck away from being in the street! How long could you survive without a pay check?

How will you replace your income?

  • Will you need to tap your 401K?
  • Will you need to borrow money?
  • Will you need to use your savings?
  • Ask relatives for money?
  • Take out a 2nd mortgage?

Avoid all these negative choices. Aventura Insurance can guide you in selecting the right Supplemental Insurance plan(s) that will pay cash benefits “directly” to you, to help off set unexpected out of pocket costs arising from serious illnesses or major accidents.

Accident Insurance

Hospital Indemnity

Critical Illness

Disability & Life Insurance